I can’t believe how close my niece is to my father. It just strikes me on this picture again (a few pictures are representative, it’s not always the case but sometimes and even if I haven’t seen her for the past 8 months (and god knows how kids change …
Remembrance Day in Ottawa
It was a coincidence that I was there. I just thought I should walk along the Rideau Canal for once. I never go walking there during my lunch break. I got lucky because I saw the parade on my way. I had no idea that there will be one and …
Ca y est! This is it!
Here it is! I made it ! J’ai sauté le pas ! I know, two days ago, it was something I hesitated and I wondered about. I was still speaking about it in an hypothetical way. I don’t know which fly bit us tonight (French expression translated, no idea if …