Our stay in Birkdalein the beginning of April 2017 was lovely. Our hosts were a delight. We’ve been to King island one day after ‘work’ and enjoyed an ice cream while talking about the future, as often…
We can reach King island by foot at low tide.
Friday was a rest day, we ate a homemade salad with finger lime (tried for the first time!), I read by the pool with the dog Hamish and finally finished the book my godmother lent me last year ‘L’ homme à l’envers’ from Fred Vargas.
We spent Saturday in Brisbane! A mix of towers and gardens and lots of palm trees to me so far!
We took our picnic and ate along the river in the Botanic gardens, after exploring the QUT (Queensland University of Technology).
We met this interesting animal (quite large!).
We had a little brownie break before watching Beauty and the Beast at the movies.
Back with the train…
Ah ben voilà, my wishes came true, here is a page of the Australian adventure!
I like Brisbane, it’s a cool city. I remember there was a kangaroo statue somewhere downtown… and that bridge! Love it.
Ahah, oui, j’ai bien entendu ton appel, Zhu 😉 Je vais tâcher de poster plus souvent, ce qui signifie en fait, de poster plus librement car mes posts sont bien souvent faits, mais je crois que j’attends qu’ils soient parfaits. Maintenant, je me dis “bon, ben, je débute à tout ça, ça peut pas être parfait quand on commence, je vais juste faire de mon mieux et m’essayer”. Je vous remercie donc tous, par avance, de votre indulgence 🙂